Neovim tips and tricks
✍️ Configuration file#
Use the configuration file provided in the neovim config repository, as some customisation is required.
Edit the configuration file by using one of the following:
nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
👆The <Leader>
key by default is \
Reload the configuration by sourcing the file:
:source $MYVIMRC
🗝 Hotkeys#
h | j | k | l - Move around
w | W - Jump by start of or by whole words
e | E - Jump to end of words (or excluding with punctuation)
b | B - Jump backword by words (or excluding with punctuation)
$ - Go to the end of the line
A - Go to the end of the line and enter insert mode
Ctrl+w and v - Split vertically
Ctrl+w and s - Split horizontally
Ctrl+hjkl - Originally as Ctrl+w and direction hjkl
Cltr+t - Toggler NERDTree
Ctrl+n or Ctrl+p - Navigate suggestions popups (e.g. nvim-cmp)
Ctrl+d | f - Navigate autocomplete extended detail popup (e.g. nvim-cmp)
🪛 Commands#
Replace all
For specific lines (line range replacement)
From current line, here’s an example for the two next lines
Can use /gc
to have a confirmation before replacement
🧐 Find help#
:help <command>